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Code of Ethics

Ethical Conduct Guidelines

We set forth concrete norms for employee behavior to facilitate the efficient implementation of the code of ethics.
These guidelines establish the precise scope and standards to aid employees in effectively observing ethical standards and applying them to all company employees.
All employees are expected to use these guidelines as their criteria for ethical decision-making and actions and make concerted efforts toward establishing a progressive corporate culture.
1. Code of Conduct for Employees
  • ① All employees must respect and adhere to the company's established business procedures and ensure they do not neglect their duties or cause harm to the company through a lack of diligent management.
  • ② As integral members of a global corporation, our employees must abide by all local and international laws regarding anti-corruption.
  • ③ In situations where personal interests conflict with those of the company, the legitimate benefits of the company should always be prioritized.
  • ④ Company assets and information must not be utilized for personal purposes or exploited for individual financial gain.
  • ⑤ Expenditures from the company's budget must strictly align with the designated purpose and regulations, and not be used for personal endeavors unrelated to corporate activities.
  • ⑥ Senior management should refrain from directing the manipulation of documents or figures; should any subordinate receive such a directive, they are to refuse and report it to the Jeong-Do Management Office. Any mistakes within documents or figures due to negligence must be reported to senior management promptly for rectification.
  • ⑦ Employees must not solicit or acquiesce to improper requests that could obstruct the fair execution of business among colleagues or stakeholders.
  • ⑧ Company resources, including manpower and finances, must not be utilized for political endeavors.
  • ⑨ Actions reflecting personal misbehavior or professional incompetence, which may tarnish the company's reputation, should be avoided.
  • ⑩ Any form of sexual harassment causing sexual humiliation or disgust is strictly prohibited.
  • ⑪ The propagation of rumors or conduct that contradicts workplace etiquette, potentially undermining organizational culture and harmony, is not permitted.
2. Gifts and Monetary Transactions
  • ① Employees must not exchange gifts (such as cash, merchandise, memberships, airline tickets, etc.) with stakeholders, regardless of the pretext.
  • ② Any money given as a gift during a condolence visit should not exceed societal norms.
  • ③ Accepting modest items, such as plants or wreaths, from stakeholders in recognition of promotions, transfers, or appointments is permissible.
  • ④ Financial transactions, including loans, loan guarantees, or the provision of collateral with stakeholders that could impede fair business conduct, as well as any related brokering activities, are prohibited.
  • ⑤ In cases where gifts are reluctantly received, they should be promptly returned. If this is not feasible, the gift should be reported to the Jeong-Do Management Office.
3. Hospitality (Entertainment)
  • ① In interactions with stakeholders, employees should neither offer nor accept hospitality (entertainment) that exceeds typical social standards.
  • ② Entertainment at venues considered indecent by societal conventions is strictly off-limits, regardless of the expenditure involved.
4. Receipt of Favors
  • ① Employees should not accept favors such as transportation or accommodations that would impose a financial burden on stakeholders.
  • ② During internal company events (including departmental events and club activities), employees should not accept favors such as transportation, accommodations, or services from stakeholders.
5. Employee Respect
  • ① Discrimination against employees based on factors such as nationality, region of origin, race, gender, culture, religion, disability, education, political inclination, or personal preference is strictly prohibited.
  • ② We pledge to offer all employees equal opportunities for education and development, and ensure fair evaluations and remuneration for their performance.
  • ③ We prohibit any unfair execution of duties due to reasons such as nepotism, kinship, or school ties.
  • ④ As an organization, we uphold human rights and denounce forced labor and child labor.
  • ⑤ We prohibit actions that could distress superiors, colleagues, or subordinates, such as derogatory language, defamation, negative prejudices, threatening or hostile language, staring, or giving inappropriate gifts.
  • ⑥ We are committed to taking necessary measures to ensure the safety of our employees and maintaining a safe work environment, free from occupational accidents, injuries, disasters, diseases, and contagion.
  • ⑦ We guarantee the right to lawful freedom of association and collective bargaining.
6. Legal Compliance
  • ① We ensure accurate and transparent management of accounting records in accordance with relevant accounting laws, standards, and our internal rules.
  • ② We fulfill our tax obligations responsibly in compliance with applicable tax laws.
  • ③ We support fair market competition, and refrain from unfair trade practices such as collusion in production, pricing, or bidding with competitors.
  • ④ Unethical acquisition or use of business-related information, including that of competitors, is not permitted.
  • ⑤ Activities that could potentially inhibit fair competition, such as the abuse of a dominant market or trading position, are prohibited.
  • ⑥ We prohibit any activities that may involve money laundering by customers, partners, vendors, or other individuals or organizations.
  • ⑦ Our employees make their best efforts to deliver superior products and services to build customer value and trust and to establish a relationship of mutual trust and cooperation with our partners.
  • ⑧ Our employees are obligated to maintain the accuracy of all company-related customs information and comply with the associated regulations.
7. Information Security and Asset Management
  • ① We comply with company's security policies and laws regarding information protection.
  • ② We adhere to the rules and regulations pertaining to the protection of the personal information of our customers, partners, and employees, and avoid any law-breaking actions.
  • ③ The use of the software is restricted to those approved as per internal guidelines, and the use of unauthorized or illegal software is strictly forbidden.
  • ④ We abide by security procedures for confidential internal information, such as business management and trade secrets, in accordance with relevant rules.
  • ⑤ Unauthorized disclosure of confidential company information, internal details, or any information acquired during the course of duty, irrespective of intention, is not allowed.
  • ⑥ We appoint responsible personnel for the management of internal information assets and vital data and endeavor to prevent information leakage.
  • ⑦ Use of company assets, equipment, or facilities for non-business-related purposes is prohibited.
  • ⑧ We respect and refrain from infringing upon the intellectual property rights and other proprietary rights of other companies or individuals.
8. Environmental Protection
  • ① Employees adhere to environmental protection regulations and internal policies, and strive to contribute to the company's goals of sustainable management.
  • ② Employees embrace their role as members of the local community and fulfill their responsibilities and obligations, making meaningful contributions to national and societal development.
  • ③ Efforts are made to promote the development of eco-friendly technologies and enhance product quality to improve environmental impacts.
  • ④ The company emphasizes educating employees about environmental resource protection, pollution prevention, ecosystem conservation, and adaptation to climate change.
9. Compliance with the Code of Ethics (Ethical Conduct Guidelines) and Reporting of Unethical Conduct
  • ① Employees voluntarily abide by ethical guidelines, fostering a transparent and fair corporate culture.
  • ② Employees must have a thorough understanding of ethical guidelines and participate in relevant training programs as necessary.
  • ③ If employees receive instructions from their superiors that contradict ethical guidelines, they should refuse such instructions.
  • ④ Employees who become aware of their own or others' violations of the ethical guidelines must report them to the Jeong-Do Management Office.
  • ⑤ The company strictly prohibits the disclosure of the identities of whistleblowers and those providing statements, and ensures they do not face any adverse consequences in employment matters.
  • ⑥ Violations of ethical guidelines are subject to disciplinary action under Article 17 of the audit regulations.
Supplementary Provisions
Article 1 (Effective Date) These Ethical Conduct Guidelines shall go into effect on May 1, 2011.
Article 2 (Effective Date of Revision) The revisions to these Ethical Conduct Guidelines shall take effect from June 1, 2019.
Article 3 (Effective Date of Revision) The revisions to these Ethical Conduct Guidelines shall take effect from September 1, 2022.